We're keeping students learning both in and out of the classroom.
Explore the department's Learning remotely resources to support both online and offline learning for all students.

Tips and resources for learning from home
- Reading Resources from Mrs Longshaw
- Great Problem Solving Maths Puzzles
- Class Dojo Help Desk for Parents
- Parents' Guide to Google Classroom
- Online esafety kit for parents
- NSW Dep't of Education resources - Helping Your Child with: Counting, Arithmetic, Shapes & Objects, Measuring Length & Area, Measuring Volume & Mass, Measuring Temperature & Time, Mental Calculations, Patterns & Algebra, and Graphs & Tables
- Library Reading Resources
- Double Helix CSIRO maths link
- NSW National ParksExternal link Wilder Quest Game - Parent and student resources
- Storyline OnlineExternal link (K-6) Videos featuring celebrated actors reading children's books alongside cartoon illustrations. This resource can be used to build listening skills as well as an appreciation of emotive language.
- Taronga TV - Taronga Zoo featuring Animal live-cams, Shows, Keeper chats and other Zoo fun.
- The Great Indoors - over 200 ideas and activities to inspire young minds from home
- Drawing with Mo Willems
- Family Homework Grid.pdf
- 20 Free resources for online schooling
- 50 Online art and music resources
- Free home activity packs from Teach This
- Live Science ultimate kids guide to COVID-19
- 5 Minute Fitness Activities
- Time for Kids Free Digital Library
- Enjoy spending time together
- Read books
- Cooking and baking provide great opportunities for measurement and maths
- Outdoor activities - gardening, walking the dog, washing the dog
- Create art, patterns in nature
- Plant a garden
Being confined to home for an extended period of time can cause stress and conflict. Tips for looking after your children during isolation include:
- Talking to your whole family about what is happening. Understanding the situation will reduce their anxiety.
- Help your children to think about how they have coped with difficult situations in the past and reassure them that they will cope with this situation too. Remind them that the isolation won't last for long.
- Exercise regularly. Options could include exercise DVDs, dancing, floor exercises, yoga, walking around the backyard or using home exercise equipment, such as a stationary bicycle, if you have it. Exercise is a proven treatment for stress and depression.
- Encourage your children to keep in touch with family members and friends via telephone, email or social media (where appropriate).
- Tips for coping with COVID-19 anxiety (PDF)
- Looking after your mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak
- Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 (telephone and online counselling for ages 5-25)
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Call Parentline in your state or territory for counselling and support for parents and carers
- eheadspace to chat online
- SANE Australia (people living with a mental illness and their carers) — call 1800 18 7263
- ReachOut.com (youth mental health service) — visit the website for info or use the online forum
Learning remotely without technology
We understand some students do not have access to a device or internet for online learning. Contact the school to discuss non-digital learning from home options for your child.
Latest advice
Get up-to-date information about the department's response to COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).
NSW Health information and advice on COVID-19 (coronavirus).