Our school can help with enrolment queries throughout the year.
Local enrolment area
Check your address on School Finder to see if it is within our local intake area. Most schools have designated local enrolment areas. Note: local enrolment areas are subject to change.
How to enrol
If you live in our intake area and would like to apply to enrol at our school, start by submitting an online enrolment application. Online enrolment is currently only available for Australian or New Zealand citizens and permanent residents.
If you are not able to apply online or you prefer not to, download the paper application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form. Please complete the form in English. A translated application to enrol may help you do this.
Online enrolment can also be used for out-of-area enrolment. Please note that out-of-area enrolment procedures are subject to the department’s enrolment policy.
Enrolment applications are finalised at the school.
For more information, visit primary school enrolment.
For more information, visit:
How to enrol - Year 6 into Year 7
In NSW government schools, applying to move from primary school to high school is a 2-step process that starts with an Expression of Interest. Visit the moving to high school page to learn more about the process.
- If you have received an offer from our school for placement into Year 7 next year, the next step is to visit online enrolment to proceed with the offer and complete the enrolment application.
- If you did not submit an expression of interest or are not eligible, visit online enrolment to start a new application to our school.
- If you submitted your expression of interest using a paper form, or would prefer not to enrol online, use the application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB) form.
Moving to high school
Visit the moving to high school page to find out more about the transition of year 6 students into year 7.
Temporary visas and international students
The Temporary Residents Program has information about eligibility and the forms to complete an application.
Distance education
Distance education is an equity program for students who are geographically isolated or whose individual circumstances prevent them from regularly attending school. Students must meet one of the conditions in the Distance Education Enrolment Procedures to be eligible to access this program as a full-time student.
For more information about educational opportunities in rural areas, visit Rural and distance education.
Useful information for enrolling at Bundanoon Public School
- Uniform Shop Ordering Information - Flexischools
- BPS and P & C Facebook Pages
- Too Sick for School? From NSW Health
- Christian Religious Education (SRE - Scripture)
- Primary Ethics Classes Information for Parents
- Country Kids Club - Before & After School Care
- Applying for a School Drive Subsidy
School Bell Times
We have four teaching sessions per day and three (25min) breaks.
- Supervision available before school - from 8.30am
- School begins - 9.00am
- Session 1 - 9.00 - 10.35am
- Recess - 10.35 - 11.00am
- Session 2 - 11.00am - 12.00pm
- Lunch - 12.00 - 12.25pm
- Session 3 - 12.25 - 1.25pm
- Last break - 1.25 - 1.50pm
- Session 4 - 1.50 - 3.00pm
- School ends - 3.00pm
Enrolment Policy
Important Information for parents regarding the Enrolment Policy.
Why was the enrolment policy revised?
Across the state, many communities are changing. Some are growing at rates never seen before. Some schools that used to be able to accept out-of-area enrolments, no longer have the room to do so. The revised policy is designed to support schools to manage all enrolment applications, encourage greater consistency in decision-making and make sure the enrolment choices are clear for parents.
What are the changes?
The enrolment cap
The enrolment cap is the number of students that can be enrolled at a school based on the school’s permanent accommodation. The enrolment cap tells us whether the school may or may not have the capacity to accept non-local enrolments. It is not a target or limit on the number of local enrolments a school can take.
Each school with a local intake area will have a cap set by the department from Term 4 2019.
100-point residential address check
Parents planning to enrol their child at a school that is near or at its buffer or cap will be asked to complete the 100-point residential address check to confirm they live within the school’s designated intake area.
This means parents will need to provide documents to verify the child’s current address. So that schools only seek information relevant to the child’s enrolment, a list of approved documents for the residential address check is available from the school.
Moving overseas
Moving overseas and need school reports authenticated for DFAT?
Email document.authentication@det.nsw.edu.au to arrange to bring original documents to 105 Phillip Street, Parramatta 2150.
If you have any queries please contact the school office on 02 4883 6192 or email bundanoon-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Our office hours are 8.30 am to 3.30 pm Monday to Friday, during school terms.