Bundanoon Public School

Safe Respectful Learners

Telephone02 4883 6192


Science and technology


Science and technology is mandatory for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6.

In science and technology, students explore the natural and made worlds. They learn how to apply scientific and technological skills, knowledge and understanding across a broad range of contexts.

Science provides a way of inquiring about the world around us. It explores evidence and investigates ways to discover, develop and produce solutions to real world problems. The inquiry and skill-based nature of science opens doors to ideas and discoveries.



At Bundanoon Public School we acknowledge that technology is part of the prescribed Australian Curriculum and also plays a large part in students everyday lives.  It should therefore be an integral part of their learning. 

Students, teachers and parents all play an integral role in the responsible use of technology.

The Department of Education provides a Student use of digital devices and online services policy that all schools must abide by. 


Bundanoon Public School

Acceptable Use Of Technology

The policy and procedure for ‘Acceptable Use Of Technology’ came into effect as of
16 February 2021.

1.             Rationale

The internet provides an opportunity to enhance students’ learning experiences by providing access to vast amounts of information across the globe.  Online communication links students to a collaborative learning environment and is intended to assist with learning outcomes.  Today’s students are exposed to online communication tools and the internet in their community.  They have the right to expect secure access to these services as part of their learning experiences.

This policy relates to the use of technology and outlines future access of technology in the classroom.  It honours individual freedom of speech, the right to privacy, the protection of intellectual property and copyright laws and equal access to information.  It does not regulate student use of similar resources off the school property.  It is, however, intended as a guide for parents in their child’s/children’s use of similar facilities at home or in other places.

As long as your child/children are enrolled in a public school in NSW, they will have access to secure Internet browsing and email.  The NSW Department of Education respects your right as a parent to refuse your child permission to access this facility.  If you do not agree to your child having access to this facility, you need to provide notification, in writing, to the school.

2.             Beliefs

Underlying this policy are the following beliefs:

·               Access to the school’s technology is a privilege, not a right.

·               Access to technology entails responsibility.

·               Demonstration of responsible computer practices assures continued access.

·               Every person has the right to privacy and this should be protected by all.

·               All users of technology should abide by the laws of Copyright and acknowledge intellectual property.  Plagiarism is unacceptable.

·               The school fully endorses the appropriate use technology as an educational tool that is conducive to learning.

·               The school acknowledges the educational use of technology as relevant to both teachers and students.  It is related to the curriculum, personal and professional development and autonomous learning.

·               Information published on the Internet may be inaccurate, unsubstantiated and inappropriate.  Students will be taught to recognise this.

·               Harassment, swearing and other offensive behaviours are deemed unacceptable when directed through the electronic media.

3.             Responsibilities

When using technology at Bundanoon Public School, all users must remember:

·               To be respectful and considerate of other people and property. Students must not use classroom computer devices unless permitted to do so by the classroom teacher, and even then, after explicit instruction and supervision.

·               To use appropriate language.

·               Revealing personal information about themselves and others can be unsafe.

·               The privacy of other individuals should be respected.

·               Downloading or copying any copyrighted material is forbidden.

·               Not to publish, use or share content or material created by someone else.

·               Accessing inappropriate websites or apps is not permitted.

·               Any breach of security should be reported.

·               Not to use or share passwords or accounts.

·               Vandalising, disrupting, harming or not caring for computer equipment or resources in any way is not acceptable.

·               Transmitting, transferring or introducing any data or equipment that is faulty or virus infected is not permitted.

·               Not to use the school computer resources for any external or non-education purpose.

4.             Social Media - Types and Purpose

1.             Google Apps for Education

The Google Apps are used to facilitate collaboration and creativity.  Teachers can assign and organise tasks, and provide feedback to students easily and in real time, allowing them to reflect and respond. 

2.             Class Dojo

ClassDojo is a school communication platform that teachers, students, and families can use to share communicate through photos, videos, and messages. Students can post videos, photos and files to their portfolio. Class Dojo is also used as a feedback and reflection tool, allowing students to analyse their strengths and challenges.

3.             Forum Board Tools

These tools are a way for students to collaborate in real time as a whole class.  Students can share ideas, notes, research and files with their class or group.  Forum boards programs, such as Padlet, have privacy settings which allow the teacher to control who can see and post to the board.

Students, staff and community will:

·                Be aware that students must be 13 years or older to hold an account on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Musical.ly etc.

·                Maintain a high level of respect for others when interacting online.

·                Use the tools to reflect on their own learning and to collaborate with teachers and peers.

·                Use the tools to seek and provide respectful and constructive feedback.

·                Not use inappropriate or offensive language.

·                Not post photographs of individuals or any personal information when in an open forum.

·                Not use social media to harass, abuse or bully others.

·                Understand that social media can be a distraction from learning and face-to-face social interactions. Students will prioritise these over electronic interactions where possible.

·                Understand that the footprint left by their online interactions is permanent and therefore they will always be mindful of how what they say and do online as this will impact their future selves.

·                Understand that if the Student Contract is not followed, a consequence will be implemented (see Consequences).

5.             Plagiarism

Plagiarism involves students using of large chunks of information without acknowledgment or referencing.  At Bundanoon Public School, students will be taught how to research, summarise information and reference appropriately so as to maximise their learning.  

6.             Consequences

Depending on the violation, disciplinary action will involve the removal of individual access to technology for an appropriate time.  Consequences will be determined by the School Discipline Policy and the principal.


7.             The Technology Acquisition 2018 - 2022

The BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) system will be supplemented over the four years with the purchase of laptops and associated technology. Year 3 - 4 students in 2021 are asked not to buy a device to bring to school.  Those students in Year 5 - 6 in 2021 who have already purchased devices, are asked to bring them to school each day to be used as learning tool.


8.             Student Contract

I understand that the use of technology at Bundanoon Public School is a privilege.  Any inappropriate use will result in the cancellation of this privilege.

While using technology at school, I will:

·               Keep my personal details private.

·               Be respectful and use appropriate language.

·               Take care when using the school’s equipment and software.

·               Know that the school and the NSW Department of Education can see anything I send or receive.

·               Not change any settings, files or applications on any devices.

·               Ask the teacher if I encounter problems or errors while using technology.

·               Only use materials or content that I have permission to use.

·               Only use the Internet and apps for tasks set by the teacher.

·               Not attempt to gain access and alter or use the school’s, student’s or teacher’s passwords.

·               Respect and accept this agreement and report other students who don’t.

________________________________________________           _____________________

                                               Signed by Student                                                     Date


9.             Parent Contract

I have read and understood the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy for Bundanoon Public School

I understand and accept the conditions outlined and agree that school and the community need to encourage students to be responsible technology users.

I am aware that to open a social media account, children are required to be 13 years or older.

________________________________________________           _____________________

                                                Signed by Parent                                                      Date


10.         School Contract

At Bundanoon Public School, student access to the Internet must be in support of educational outcomes.

The responsibilities of Internet use and specific skills in optimising the use of technology for learning purposes will be explicitly taught to students throughout the year.

________________________________________________           _____________________

                                          Signed by Class Teacher                                                Date



2021 Technology Policy and Student/Teacher/Parent Contracts